A regular eye examination (or eye test) is important to maintain clear, comfortable vision. However, it is also a key part of your general health check as many general medical health conditions can affect your eyes.
At EYETECH we tailor each examination to your specific needs and symptoms. Every examination is under-pinned by the fact that we will aim to understand your visual problems (we call them symptoms). We will perform examinations to detect medical eye disease and determine your optical prescription. Finally, we will explain our findings clearly (in easy-to-understand language) and make recommendations most suitable for you.
Our standard adult eye examination involves 3 key stages.
1. Pre-screening
2. Eye Examination
3. Advice
The Eye Examination
The actual eye test takes place in one of our state-of-the-art consulting rooms. The entire practice is fully air-conditioned and our medical equipement will be the best you’ve ever seen. Here, you will be examined by one of our highly qualified Optometrists. Relax, this is the time to ask any questions, all our Optometrists are friendly and take pride in delivering a detailed, professional eye examination.
Just read some of our independent reviews to see what so many patients are saying about our professional eyecare.

Upgrade to the Extended Eye Examination
The Standard Private eye examination costs £40. If you are eligible for and NHS examination, there is no charge. However, the standard private and NHS examinations do not include more in-depth assessments like Optomap Ultrawide retinal imaging (£40) or 3D OCT (£60) which are the biggest innovations in retinal examination. You can add this when booking through our website by selecting ‘Extras’ in the booking form, if you want both of these the cost is reduced to £80.
Alternatively, if you want regular extended examinations, we recommend Vision Plan which costs only £12 per month (£10 if you are elgible for NHS examinations). Vision Plan includes a standard eye examination, Optomap retinal exam and full threshold visual fields as well as 20% off all glasses.
Book Standard or Extended Examination